Foxair is the best
air cooler on the market.
Industrial premises and trade shows require a professional room cooler to cover their needs. But how does this device work, and which model should you choose?
FoxAir presents its products and answers your questions…
Unlike fans, air coolers don’t blow hot air, and they don’t use refrigerants, which also distinguishes them from air conditioners.
How does it work? An evaporative cooling system that’s as simple as it is natural and economical.
All you have to do is fill the reservoir with fresh water and plug it into the mains. It draws in ambient air and passes it through a pad moistened with water from the reservoir, before redistributing it throughout the room.
The temperature will then rapidly drop by several degrees.
The temperature drop will depend both on the outside temperature and on hygrometry, i.e. humidity levels.
So the higher the temperature and the lower the humidity, the cooler the room. For example, with an outside temperature of 36°C and a humidity level of 20%, a room can be cooled to 15°C.
FoxAir is a range of air coolers designed for professionals to cool large premises.
Our machines are primarily designed for industrial applications, but are also ideal for car dealerships and trade shows. We have also already rented our coolers to a casino in Lyon to equip some of its gaming rooms.
Each unit in the range has a specific power rating and tank size, to suit every need.
Our adiabatic coolers will enable you to treat surfaces ranging from 90 to several hundred square meters.
Their strong point? Each is equipped with castors, making it fully mobile. So you can place them where you need them most, near machines or workstations, for example.
What’s more, their high-capacity reservoir gives them excellent mains autonomy, although they can also be connected to a water supply.
In this way, you can cool your premises efficiently and save real money at the same time.
Our equipment is available for both sale and rental.
Contact us, we’ll be happy to advise you.