
Foxair is the best
air cooler on the market.


Professional cooler | Energy savings on a grand scale

The professional cooler reduces the temperature of unconfined spaces and increases humidity.

This increases operator comfort while maintaining optimum conditions for the production equipment. It’s also a very economical solution! See the range of devices.


The benefits of large-volume air conditioning

The concern with conventional air-conditioning systems is their high electricity consumption. A company with large spaces and a heat-generating production system will save money on air conditioning with this ingenious system. For a 1500 m² warehouse, savings of 60% compared to a conventional air-conditioning system. What’s more, the FoxAir air cooler is environmentally friendly and economical: it uses  no refrigerant gas, and the water is not polluted.

The savings are also  on return on investment. By being cooled, your electronic devices are protected from the risk of overheating and failure – with all the consequences for your business that you can imagine. What’s more, their performance is enhanced tenfold. Working in a cool space is also good for morale and efficiency, making it easier for your employees to concentrate on their tasks.

How can you easily cool large volumes of air without consuming too much energy?

The FoxAir ecological air conditioner requires no installation or regular maintenance. The machine is easy to move as needed. All it needs is an electrical connection and a water tank.

This bio-climatisation operates on an adiabatic evaporation system. The concept is based on biomimicry (i.e. it draws its inspiration from nature): the hot, dry air in the room or warehouse is cooled by contact with the professional cooler‘s moist heat exchanger. This revitalized air emerges from the air conditioner to be redistributed without any humidity effect.

Would you like more information on our range of professional coolers?

We look forward to hearing from you.